2022-03-07 09:53
DuPont’s longstanding expertise in electroless copper plating is an excellent match for the demands of flexible and rigid-flex circuits built with polyimide. As more applications migrate to flexible boards, DuPont is committed to providing solutions that will enable high performance in any design configuration. Our highly conductive copper metallization is compatible with roll-to-roll processing and low-stress for long-term durability.
Choose DuPont as your materials solutions partner to provide:
Copper plating to meet the demands of flexible PCBs.
A patented 3-step desmear to effectively clean, condition and activate hole-wall surfaces.
A self-accelerating electroless copper bath designed for use in the horizontal mode, and can be used in either high or low build applications
Processes especially designed for operation in vertical and horizontal equipment respectively
Producing uniform crystal grain structure to provide a smooth plated surface on rolled copper
A copper plating process producing uniform, bright deposits of high ductility and tensile strength in accelerated plating times.
Designed to lower board manufacturer's ENIG process costs, while maintaining optimum reliability and performance
2021年度填(tián)孔鍍銅——印刷線路闆(pǎn)(PCB,FPC)酸性(xìng)填孔鍍銅(tóng)中間體: unisun.cc/news/283.html
深(shēn)圳市同泰化學技術(shù)有限公司參加了2021年7月26-28日在廣州保利世貿博覽館(guǎn)舉辦的第十(shí)四屆廣(guǎng)州國際表面處理、電鍍、塗裝展覽會,誠邀您莅臨同泰化學電(diàn)子展廳參觀指導!電子展廳鏈接:unisun.cc/news/316.html 。