

安美特(tè)Atotech新品(pǐn)介紹——Adhemax NiLow無氨(ān)化學鎳添加劑(jì)

Adhemax®NiLow – 用于(yú)塑料電鍍的無(wú)氨化學(xué)鎳 Ammonia-free electroless nickel process for plating on plastics   高濃度的氨氮是化學鎳廢水(shuǐ)難于處(chù)理的重要原因之一,氨氮超标排放會對魚類等水生生物(wù)造成毀滅性打擊,近年來(lái)國家對氨(ān)氮(dàn)的排放限制(zhì)愈發(fā)嚴格,中(zhōng)國電鍍排放标準中對氨氮的排(pái)放上限已經降至 8 ppm。 High concentration of ammonia & nitrogen is very difficult to be treated in EN wastewater, and its excessive emission will cause devastating strikes to aquatic organisms. Therefore, the restriction on ammonia & nitrogen emission becomes much stricter worldwide in recent years. The upper limit of ammonia & nitrogen in Chinese Emission Standards for electro-plating has been reduced to 8 ppm.   氨氮作爲化學鎳的重要組分之一,具備絡合、穩定(dìng)和緩沖的作用,性能優異,幾(jǐ)乎無可取代。 “隻要做塑料(liào)電鍍,就難以繞開化(huà)學鎳;隻(zhī)要用化學鎳,就難以回(huí)避氨氮問題。” 長久以來,這個矛盾都(dōu)看似無法調和。 As one of the important components of electroless nickel, ammonia is almost irreplaceable with its ability of excellent complexing, stabilizing and buffering. ‘Electroless nickel could not be avoided when plating on plastics, while ammonia could not be avoided when using electroless nickel.’  This conflict seems inevitable for a long time.   Adhemax®NiLow無(wú)氨化學鎳工藝是安美特NiLow系列最新的研發成果,至今(jīn)已在(zài)全球多個國家實現工業化應(yīng)用,在(zài)中國(guó)某家大型(xíng)汽車配件供應商實(shí)現量産,用于ABS和ABS/PC素材,其優良的(de)穩定性和可靠性得到了客戶的認(rèn)可。 Adhemax®NiLow is the latest improved version on basis of Atotech NiLow series and has been used in many countries worldwide. In China, Adhemax® NiLow has gone into mass production successfully in a large automotive supplier and its stability and reliability for ABS and ABS/PC was highly praised by customer.   安美特(tè)Adhemax®NiLow用于塑料的無(wú)氨化學鎳的(de)主要特(tè)點如下: 1. 高穩定性,可(kě)以24小時連續生産; 2. 整(zhěng)個使(shǐ)用周期氨氮排(pái)放爲0; 3.  應用于ABS和(hé)ABS/PC素材; 4. 不含氨氮,不含(hán)鉛,不含硼酸; 5. 易于操作和控制,操作(zuò)溫度30-40℃。 Atotech Adhemax®NiLow is an ammonia free electroless nickel for plating of plastics, the main features are as below:     1.    High stability, suitable for continuously production.           2.   Zero emission of ammonia & nitrogen.     3.    Suitable for ABS and ABS/PC materials.     4.    Free of ammonia & nitrogen, lead and boric acid.     5.    Easy to operate and control, can be used at low temperature (30-40℃).



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