2021-01-03 07:56
A-45是(shì)獨特的,低泡沫,高(gāo)去污垢能力的有機胺氧化物配方(fāng)物,産品中不含可燃性溶劑。産品含有50% 的有機(jī)胺氧化物活性成分,另外(wài)50% 爲水。 用于金屬(shǔ)表面油污清洗(xǐ),對于磷化前的金屬表(biǎo)面處理和電(diàn)鍍前的金屬表面處理特别有效(xiào),具有低(dī)泡、良好的洗淨性能。
Ultra-low foaming amine oxide with exceptional detergent peformance for cleaners and degreasers. Provides surfactant properties in non-butyl cleaners. Particularly useful for hard surface cleaners and spray and wipe formulations. A-45 IS AN ULTRA-low foaming molecule, having negligible foam generation at any dosage level. It is recommended for use in sysstems where extremely low foam is required.